We Did It And We Have a RickShaw

Well sort of… We have definitely raised over $50,000.00 for the Segal Cancer Research Centre at the Jewish General Hospital. To be clear, 100% of that money is going to cancer research. All other expenses: rickshaw, inner tubes, Dagwoods Sandwiches and beers are paid for by us the riders and our sponsors. A very good feat for TeamKat indeed. We bested last years ride by $10,000.00. And of course we are still accepting donations.

So about the rickshaw… you would not believe how hard it has been to secure one of these puppies for the weekend. Two of the companies we called flat our refused to rent us one for the whole weekend due the distance we are covering: 250KM. I can understand some trepidation about seeing your equipment be loaned outside of your home turf, but that is why security deposits exists. To those guys, all I can say is shame on you. The ride to Conquer Cancer is a well established charity event with unbelievable technical and logistic support.

ricksahwSo we stared looking into riskshaws we could buy outright. This was  not as easy as one would think for such a cosmopolitan city like Montreal. For example we found a lot of stuff that “needed work”like this one in the picture. Or some that were basically just adult tricycles.  Such as the one below. Although I will probably be going back there soon for another project I thinking of.


So getting back to our quest. As time was running short and suppliers were backing out, some of the TeamKat members and supporters got involved and managed to secure a ride for the weekend. As my buddy PK would say, this one is:



Enter the Ted. Our good friend Ted managed to find this old sailing dinghy turned cargo bike with seat and dodger for a roof. I will admit it’s not exactly an aero bike like my Kuota, but a deal is a deal and a gentleman always honours his wagers. So here I am. Two days before the ride, with an amazing effort form TeamKat and all our sponsors and donors getting ready to literally push this boat downstream to Quebec City. My only consolation is that I will be carrying my own food and beer along the ride, conditions of the wager of course. And if things get really bad, I will just head for the nearest landing and sail this thing down the river using a Dagwoods t-shirt as a spinnaker.



RTCC Rickshaw UPDATE: Only $1600 To Go

Just wanted to give everyone an update as to the whole Rickshaw saga for this year’s Ride to Conquer Cancer. We have now raised just over $48,000 and I am now seriously worried about finding a rickshaw in time.

I honestly did not think it would happen and have been caught a little flat-footed. So I am now counting on all of you to help donate towards last the $1600.00 dollars and hopefully help out with the rickshaw rental or purchase.

Please reach out to us and let us know if you can help.  Comments below or use the Twitter and Facebook links.

The Cancer Kicking RickShaw Dream Lives On

Via WikiMedia.org

So one night this winter, I jokingly made a bet that if TeamKat was able to raise $50,000.00 for this year’s Ride to Conquer Cancer in support of the Jewish General Cancer Research Centre, I would make the ride on a rickshaw complete with a passenger and case of beer for them to enjoy. Well, I’m an idiot…

As of this morning, TeamKat has raised $41,423.32. A busy weekend rush has seen the team raise $3000 to take us within $8500. That means that with only 12 days to go I could see myself strapping the the red rocket to the back of one of these bad boys (see above) and spinning my ass up the Donnacona hills to la Vielle Ville.

I must admit, I am actually getting worried.  Why:

  1. It’s going to be f…ing hard
  2. I DON’T have a rickshaw… And don’t know where to get one
  3. Did I say it was going to be hard.
  4. Blair and Ted want to sit in the back….
  5. And It’s going to be fracking hard.

So if you hate Cancer as much as I do and you want to see me suffer… A LOT! Please give generously using this link.

And as I’m being such an idiot, I might as well go one more:

  1. For $5000 you get to ride the whole way beer & sandwich’s included (Trevor you just volunteered to make the Dagwoods)
  2. For $1000 You get to ride for one stage and slap your corporate logo on the rickshaw
  3. For $500 You get to slap your corporate logo on the rickshaw
  4. For $250 You just get slapped with a Dagwoods sub.




I accepted the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge #Video

I accepted the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge from Stephane @Mononque Denault and nominate my fellow Railroaders: Pierre Kelly & Haig Kanar, Team Kat member Greg El Capitaine Desmarais & Alister Polkaroo Moore, And fellow Rotters: Jim Woody Larocque & Mike the Dragon Carlyle.

I am so donating to the ALS foundation and encourage you all to do the same.

Via #YouTube