So one night this winter, I jokingly made a bet that if TeamKat was able to raise $50,000.00 for this year’s Ride to Conquer Cancer in support of the Jewish General Cancer Research Centre, I would make the ride on a rickshaw complete with a passenger and case of beer for them to enjoy. Well, I’m an idiot…
As of this morning, TeamKat has raised $41,423.32. A busy weekend rush has seen the team raise $3000 to take us within $8500. That means that with only 12 days to go I could see myself strapping the the red rocket to the back of one of these bad boys (see above) and spinning my ass up the Donnacona hills to la Vielle Ville.
I must admit, I am actually getting worried. Why:
- It’s going to be f…ing hard
- I DON’T have a rickshaw… And don’t know where to get one
- Did I say it was going to be hard.
- Blair and Ted want to sit in the back….
- And It’s going to be fracking hard.
So if you hate Cancer as much as I do and you want to see me suffer… A LOT! Please give generously using this link.
And as I’m being such an idiot, I might as well go one more:
- For $5000 you get to ride the whole way beer & sandwich’s included (Trevor you just volunteered to make the Dagwoods)
- For $1000 You get to ride for one stage and slap your corporate logo on the rickshaw
- For $500 You get to slap your corporate logo on the rickshaw
- For $250 You just get slapped with a Dagwoods sub.