This is very cool, and just enough meat to get you to re-watch all the other movies
Category: video
Runner. Cartoonist. Cake Lover. Matthew Inman by Saucony
Love the shoes, love the comic and love this video.
Every year I watch this to remind myself not to buy Roller on KIJIJI
Hockey Sounds
Damn this makes me so proud to have grown up in this Great White North. Our national pass time never sounded so beautiful. I can still hear the puck dropping on the Windermere Ice Rink from 2 blocks away.
22 Minutes: Apple Watch – “That’s What it Does!”
Yup! The ultimate DB detector!
Lego Mountain Biking
This is simply amazing and beautifully animated. Great work by Oxburger Studios A big thank to Ray @ for the find. if you are debating any kind of cycling tech, simply check out Ray’s site, I have yet to find anyone who understand gadgets and fitness more than DCRainmaker.
Flexibility: Namaste
I have just taken my first yoga class ever, something to regain a little of the flexibility and help tone some of the muscle that doesn’t get used as much while I run, ride and swim. I felt like one of the ladies in the background of this video that can’t keep up with the ultra sexy Yogi…
Hey Les Boys, Checker Vos Cuys
This ad is Fucking Brilliant! Now get to it boys… Ladies, you can always help too. 😉
Big thanks to @Pluc for the find
Someone recreated the new ‘Star Wars’ trailer in Lego and it’s fantastic #video
All trailers should be always be recreated in Lego stop motion…
Thanks to the Verge for the find.
Via Someone recreated the new ‘Star Wars’ trailer in Lego and it’s fantastic
Top College Keeper Takes Every Penalty Shot to the Face
This was sent to me earlier today and I must admit it is the funniest thing I have scene in very long time.