23 Toots of Epic Mann

23 Toots.png

This PSA was epic! And I’m so glad that someone like Merlin Mann did it so plenty of Tweeps will see it. Of course there is no way to retweet a group of 23 tweets so anyone who isn’t already following Merlin will never see it, but hopefully enough folks like me will post this into an _Actual Blog_ that is will make a difference

If your are not already following Merlin mann you totally should that right now as well as check 43Folders.com and Kung Fu Grippe and while I feel quite generous and trying to fill extra space don’t forget to subscribe to You Look Nice Today in iTunes.

Damn I failed to fill the void…

… It has been that kind of week though

One thought on “23 Toots of Epic Mann”

  1. Love the blog! Was looking for some Angry Birds material, and found so much more.

    What you seek is “Plurk” rather than Twitter. And you can group those pesky toots together into threads and conversations, even with folks you don’t yet follow, or follow you. Admittedly, Twitter does some things better – but after almost 3 years Plurk is pretty robust too.

    http://www.plurk.com/vdub144/invite or just visit plurk.com if you like…

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